Monday 23 February 2015

Questions And Awnsers

1. When were ancient Greek plays performed?
 Late 5th centuary(420BC)

2. How many years ago was this?
 2435 Years Ago

3. What different types of plays were performed?
 The three main genres were comedy, Satyr plays and most popular tragedys.

4. What is a traditional Greek Theatre called?

5. What shape was the theatre?
Bowl Shaped and very big

6. Find a picture of a traditional Greek Theatre for your blog.Panoramic view of the Greek theatre at Epidaurus.

7. Why were the theatres built this way?
To be able to fit whole communitys 

8. What different scenic elements are there?
 The Orchestra the skene and the audience

9. Who sat on the seats at the front?

10. Could women take part in, or attend the plays?
Only on ocassion when they had to play a female god

11. Name some of the Greek playwrights and their plays.
Aeschylus:The suppliants(463BC)

12. What did the audience throw at the actors who performed badly?
Food and

13. What did the actors wear?

14. How did the audience sat at the back of the large theatre hear anything?
Because the way the theatre was structured made sure that no audience memeber was too far away from the actors that were in the centre of the theatre
 15. Who is dionysus?
The greek God of Ecstacy

16. Why is he important to Greek Theatre?
He reprecents what theatre is, which is coming out of yourself.

17. What is a Greek chorus? 
 non-individualised group of performers in the plays of classical Greece

18.  What purpose to the Chorus have in the performance? 
they would comment ove rthe actions taking place i think

19. How and why were masks used?
to represent the genre and to show they aint themselves anymore

20. What were the masks made of?
Leather wood and other light weighted materials